Internet of Things Concepts

Internet of Things


The prerequisite for this course will be one of my courses the Embedded System for the Internet of Things. In this course, learners will learn the Internet of Things from the basics starting from the Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) then IOT Definition and Characteristics of IoT. After this basic part of IoT, the learner will be going to learn What is IoT Devices, Various IoT Devices can be used for the development of IoT applications. Then learners will learn the difference between IoT Devices and Computers. Learners will also be going to learn the Technical Building Blocks of the Internet of Things in this course. This course will also be going to cover the Physical Design of IoT in which learners will learn about the various Things in IoT like Sensors, Actuators, and their classification. Then the important point with respect to the Internet of Things, Need for Analog / Digital Conversion will be covered in this course. Along with this, the course will also be going to cover the Logical Design of IoT in which we will see IOT functional blocks. Then we will see various IoT enabling technologies and Level 1 to Level 6 of IoT in this course

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